Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Political Winds

There has not been a Democratic President elected to two consecutive terms, by a majority vote, since FDR (Clinton was elected to two terms but he only got 43% of the vote the first time and 49% the second time) Obama is weaker than all of them. In that same time-span Ike, Nixon, Reagan and Bush all were re-elected, with majorities. This suggests the country is right-leaning.

Another sign of liberal frailty lies in the main-stream media. They were once powerful but TV stations, magazines and newspapers are all losing ground so they are screaming louder than ever. I think you are hearing their desperation.

Other pillars of liberalism such as unions and academia are also crumbling:

In the mean time, middle-America has witnessed Obama, Reid and Pelosi in action, and it has awakened. The silent majority is having trouble remaining silent.

As far as 2012 is concerned, Obama has shown no inclination to move toward the mood of the voters as Clinton did when the Republicans took over congress in 1994, so he appears destined to be another one-term Democrat.

That is most unfortunate. Obama had an opportunity to heal a great deal of the racial divide that so many blacks feel, but I am afraid his closest associates have been more concerned with fanning the flames than putting the fires out. Bitterness, often unfounded, reigns prominent among the black masses as race pimps continue to thrive exaggerating real racial conflicts and creating conflicts where there are none.

Many angry black leaders refuse to acknowledge all of the progress this country has made in racial relations, but the masses see evidence everywhere. For starters this very President could not have ascended to such heights without people of all races. Then there are all the other phases in our lives. Blacks have won American Idol which they could not have done if people were all striving to hold them back. Black athletes own sports and we support our favorite teams as much as we ever did. Blacks are among our best judges, cops, attorneys, military leaders, teachers and anything else they set their minds to. But most importantly, we know what we think in our own hearts.

In spite of all of this, there are leaders who thrive on keeping the blacks angry. These leaders are nothing more than Race Pimps, who profit by manipulating and misleading vulnerable blacks. Instead of encouraging the average African American to make the best of themselves, these self-serving leaders spew hate-speech against Caucasians (a race) in general.

Meanwhile these same leaders insist that their own hateful comments and philosophies cannot be deemed to be “racist” because, “We have no power.” But, even if power was a legitimate justification for their constant rants against other races, the assertion that they wield no power is simply false.

There are many powerful people who use their allies and subordinates to carry out their objectives. Army generals order the troops into battle. Mafia bosses send out hit men to carry out tasks, CEO’s of large corporations require and inspire their employees to act in the desired way. Entire countries form powerful allegiances and perform tasks for one another

Black leaders are no different. Whenever they want to manipulate an issue, all they have to do is enlist their loyal allies. The liberal media (network TV news, most newspapers, and liberal blogs) will march to the orders and gladly broadcast any message they desire. Democratic leaders will push for government solutions to the complaint of the day and Republican officials will accommodate the issue rather than point out that favoring blacks over whites is just as bad as favoring whites over blacks. Reverse racism is still racism no matter how noble the cause.

If all else fails, the race pimps simply call a well-known white person a “racist” whether they are or not, and the conservative media (talk radio, right-leaning blogs and Fox, news) will jump right in and keep the stories alive.

My point is that all the black leaders have to do to get whatever it is they want is snap their fingers or call a prominent white person a racist and the entire media, liberal and conservative alike, will jump on board and discuss the matter to death, with the collective public all having front-row seats at their TV screens.

Therefore those leaders have a lot more “power” than they let on and any suggestion that they cannot be racists because they have no power is false.

Back to Obama, he had a great opportunity to bring this kind of racial friction to an end or at least diminish its effect. Who can forget his great speeches with lines like, “We are not Red States and Blue States: We are the ‘United’ States”? He spoke of bringing our country together but instead, his administration disregarded the will of the majority over and over again, opting to implement policies that many members in his own party do not even like.

There is more divide in our Country now than when he took office and his Party is on the verge of imploding, similar to what Mr. Clinton experienced. What a shame. He had an egg from the fateful Golden Goose, but he has elected to discard the egg, rather than make a delicious political omelet for us to all share.

But that does not automatically mean the R's will win in 2012. If Hillary smells blood, she might run against the half-white Prez and there are so many bigots who will vote for somebody just because they are black or female, she might have a shot.

In the end, the R's should retake control in approximately 100 days. The question is, “What will they do with it?

Stop by my other blog


Justin Thyfault said...

They will do what they, and every political party has done since the beginning. They will cater to an extreme 10% of the population.

Sharon said...

Racism against African Americans has been eased in many obvious ways as you've pointed out, but there are many subtle ways in which blacks are treated differently. For example, I has assumed that all Chicago streets were the same, mainly, filled with potholes but still driveable. But when you go down to the south side of Chicago, the streets are so torn up that you can barely drive your car. This is just one example, but there are many others like this that show that while racism directed towards blacks has become less blatant in society, it does still exist.

That being said, it is sickening to see how political leaders will play the racism card not to affect any real change for constituents who might need it, but rather to promote their own careers.

Dave Thyfault said...

Sharon, I suspect there is something other than white racism in play in S Chicago.

As you probably know there is a long history of union, political and mob activities in the area.

There is also a fair amount of self-destructive behavior (crime graffiti and under-performing schools) in poorer communities.