Friday, September 4, 2009

Suzanna’s Smile

Suzanna’s Smile

If you are like me, you occasionally hear about an act of kindness that touches your heart, but once in a while the people involved impress you so much that you think others ought to hear about it. Such is the case of Suzanna and Bob.

Bob is a close friend of mine, well into his 70’s. About a year ago, he was doing some home repairs when he took a nasty fall and messed up his knee. The injury left Bob in a wheelchair, with a knee brace, for several months. As part of Bob’s recovery, a therapist dropped by his apartment every few days to check in on him and help him get back on his feet. The therapist, Suzanna, was in her thirties and had three teenage daughters plus a very young son.

Since Bob is a single fellow, he looked forward to Suzanna’s company and she always cheered him up, but there was a small problem. Most of Suzanna's front teeth were missing, so she was a bit self-conscious. Naturally, Bob noticed her toothless smile, but his own good manners prevented him from discussing the matter. Then one day, the special lady told Bob a horrible story.

As it turned out, a little over a year earlier, Suzanna was raped by a complete stranger. To make matters worse he beat her mercilessly and among other things he knocked out nearly all of her front teeth. It took her months to recover from all of the physical damage and the psychological damage may never go away. Suzanna is a single working mom and she did not have insurance to replace her teeth. The police never have caught Suzanna’s rapist. Many of them never serve time at all.

Naturally, no woman would want to look at herself in a mirror that way and be reminded over and over again of the worse day in her life, but Suzanna had kids to feed. There was no time for low self-esteem or pity. She had to get back to work.

Bob was impressed by Suzanna’s grit and he held extra appreciation for all of her kindness toward him; especially considering what she had been through. It was at that time that Bob took up a personal mission. He started calling anybody and everybody he could think of for ideas. My wife, Patty, has always been a care giver so she was among the folks who Bob called. He called dental schools and charities in search of some help. Bob pursued every lead and eventually found some people who would help restore Suzanna’s smile.

A few more months have passed and today Bob and Patty and I went to breakfast. It was there that Bob announced that Suzanna dropped by his apartment last night with a new and beautiful smile. They shared a hug or two and each one realized how much the other had meant in their lives. She told Bob that she has gone back to school.

Bob was especially touched by Suzanna’s renewed self esteem. She even told Bob that she was going on a date with a new fellow she has met and she boasted of how well her young son is doing: a son who is the byproduct of that horrible night in her life.

As I listened to Bob explain the outcome, I marveled at these two people.

Very few people would have held it against Suzanna if she would have elected to get an abortion. Even strong pro-life proponents are known to make allowances for incest and rape. Most people would have admired her if she would have carried the baby to term then put him up for adoption with somebody who is better suited to raise him. But Suzanna’s decision leaves me nearly dumbfounded.

I have never met Suzanna myself but her commitment to that baby makes me appreciate how strong a mother’s love can be. It makes me appreciate my own mother and other mothers as well.

I don’t know if Suzanna will ever tell her son about her ordeal, but even if he never does find out about that part of his mother’s life, I am certain this exceptional mother (and others like her) will have a front row on a bus to heaven some day.

As far as my dear friend, Bob, is concerned I could not be prouder of him. He singlehandedly resurrected the life of a most deserving woman. From now on when people look at Suzanna they will see a woman with renewed self-esteem.

But, nobody will get more pleasure than Bob whenever he sees Suzanna’s Smile.

My deepest respect goes out to you both.

Feel free to add a few words of your own or tell a simlar story that has touched your heart. Just click on"comment" and set up a simple account.


Unknown said...

Wow, AMAZING story Dave. Thank you so much for sharing it...indeed two very amazing people.

Matt Rhode said...

Way to go Bob! Knowing Bob I know how cheap (I mean frugal) he is. My friend John is the same way. But those types of people are always the ones who give the most money to charities or good causes. I should've known Bob wouldn't be the exception.