Saturday, May 8, 2010


I have posted two previous articles on this topic: scroll down if you want to check them out.

In this article I would like to identify my solution to the overall problem as I see it. It is my opinion that it is our responsibility to control our borders and we have blown it big time. By not doing so we have sent mixed signals to everybody concerned and therefore we are essentially responsible for all of the ensuing problems including an invasion of illegal immigrants, violence from those who traffic in drugs and potential terrorist activities.

If you will read my previous article, I do not blame the immigrants themselves. In fact, I see them as victims of two inept governments. A lot of it can be traced back to Ronald Reagan’s administration. They granted amnesty to several million immigrants in 1987, which was a compassionate thing to do. But there was supposed to be some teeth in the law after that, which would make it more difficult for people to come here illegally. Neither political party has made any serious effort to follow through on that obligation, even though they both have had ample opportunity. Instead the politicians of both parties have exploited the situation for their own political gain.

In the meantime “we the people” have let it all happen by electing politicians who run the government “their way”. Therefore, this is my fault; and, this is your fault. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

Now things have gotten out of hand.

Our history suggests that we sometimes need a slap in the face before me make proper adjustments (see previous article) and the Arizona Government may have issued the wake up call we needed. By passing a draconian law, they have pitted good citizens against each other and their state against the Federal Government. In a round about way, they have drawn attention to a problem that should have been solved long ago. Suddenly wags are coming out of the woodwork to discuss the matter.

There are idiots on both extremes. Some just want to disregard our borders and let anybody in, and provide them with all the benefits of our society. That is admirable but insanely naïve. These people just do not understand economics. They do not realize where money or jobs come from. The “tax the rich” mantra sounds good, but that will lead us all into poverty within a few years because there are not that many rich people. The immigrants will have a much better chance if there are dignified jobs for them that last a lifetime rather than if they become dependents of government aid. That is why it is far better to reward the entrepreneurs than tax them. By promoting businesses through lower taxes, we make it possible for borderline companies to make a profit; and that very pursuit of profit becomes the fuel that creates jobs and grows the economy.

The people who want to escort all of the illegal immigrants to the border are just as naïve. Once again, the desire to abide by laws is admirable but they are pointing the finger of blame in the wrong direction. If you put honey on the sidewalk and attract ants, it is not the ants’ fault. Furthermore, if this group is so concerned with abiding by laws, then they would have to respect the law that makes citizens out of all babies who are born here and allow their parents to stay and care for those baby citizens. Then, there is the logistics of the matter. How would anybody carry out such a program? It is just not practical.

Sometimes you hear them say punish the businesses who hire them or the landlords who house them but that too is foolish. Chasing consumers away will cause more businesses to fail and that will raise the unemployment rates: and chasing tenants out of the country will just cause more vacancies. Reduced demand for housing will cause the real estate market to plummet further. None of that is really in our best interest.

So, we definitely have a problem, but what is a realistic solution? Naturally, I have the solution.

In the interest of full disclosure I should admit that I stand to lose money if we escort the illegals south of the border because I own rental property which caters to some of them. But as evidence that this is truly my philosophy, not just a monetary matter, I was also for a regime change in Iraq. I think getting rid of Saddam Huessin and bringing freedom to 25-million people was a very noble cause and I gladly pay my tax dollars for the cause. Therefore, in both case I am driven by compassion for the downtrodden as opposed to money.

Getting back to my proposal, I expect it to irritate everybody somehow, so it seems like it may just have some potential. Here is my 7-step plan.

1. For starters, I support a path to amnesty, but this time things will be a lot different. It will take 10 years. The people who are here illegally will have to prove their value on two different occasions. (I have already pissed you off, haven’t I?)
2. We notify the Mexican Government that we intend to reduce the amount of aid that we send them if they do not help us in our cause. We expect them to immediately patrol their own borders and punish anybody who attempts to come here illegally. If we do not see sufficient progress within one year or anytime thereafter, we will compute how much money we have spent on their citizens who use our medical facilities without paying; and, we will withhold that amount from the financial aid we send them. In addition, we will no longer allow illegal immigrants to wire money from our country to theirs, thus potentially cutting off the largest source of funds for their country.
3. Next, we really do secure the boarder so the problem does not escalate. No other compromises or allowances will be made until non-partisan experts can verify that the border is secure. Call out the National Guard until the fence can be built. If we have to shoot people who threaten us in the meantime, that is what we must do. Illegal entry is no longer overlooked.
4. Currently it is nearly impossible for them to get in our country legally. We need to fix that so they can realistically join us. Currently there is a lottery system but only one out of 200 are allowed in each year. I want to raise the number substantially, say 25 out of 200. That means the average person can get in within 8 years. We turn the approval process over to the private sector. They will perform background and security checks similar to the way our aerospace programs function. Immigrants will not be approved if they have a criminal record in either country. They must have a job and pay taxes. A job pool will be established for this purpose. New people will not be allowed in if there are no jobs in the pool.
5. No more anchor babies for illegal immigrants. Although the number of new illegal immigrants will be way down, there may still be some who try to slip through. They will not have approval to be here and their babies will not save them. This should eliminate the line of expectant mothers at the border.
6. We implement a massive advertising campaign to inform all illegal immigrants who are here now, that they must register within 90 days. They will be given a “Yellow Card” and a Social Security number. The “Yellow Card” authorizes temporary residence for up to three years. At the end of three years, they must either apply for citizenship or go home. To be granted citizenship they must prove that they have a way to provide for themselves and they must be able to speak English and it will take seven years more to earn their citizenship. If they do not wish to apply for citizenship, they must leave our country, with our blessing. They will forfeit any money they paid into the Social Security System. Anybody who fails to register and gets caught will be considered to be criminals. They will be deported and never allowed to return, or they will be put in medium security jail for the rest of their lives. If their families get broken up because they did not abide by the laws, it is their fault not ours. All of this will be monitored by the private sector, not the government, because the political parties have proven they cannot be trusted. The Social Security card means they will be subject to withholding, and entitled to the same wages as anybody else. Since they receive the same compensation they cannot undercut our own entry-level workers. They will be less likely to be exploited by ruthless employers because there will be serious felony charges for any of our employers who fraudulently subvert the intent of the system. All of those with Yellow Cards will be allowed to wire funds out of the country and they will have the same access to medical care that the rest of us have, without punishing their home country.
7. We work with the Mexican government to create a middle class and more jobs in their own country. They have industrious citizens and incredible opportunities with oil, agriculture, and tourism. They also have awesome shore lines, comparable to ours. We will help them set up a banking system so their people can borrow money and build a future for themselves. This will diminish the need for their citizens to come here in the first place. It will also provide incentives for the ones who are here to go home after they learn a skill.

There are many Americans who do not like any path to citizenship because amnesty rewards misbehavior. On the other extreme, there are many Americans who prefer an open border policy. Since it is not possible to please everybody, the best thing we can do is look for a system that pisses everybody off, and that is what I have tried to do. I have made it possible to stay here but no new compassion will be handed out until we can indeed verify that the border is secure and the problem is solved once and for all. In addition, my program provides the Mexican Government with a big incentive to work with us as they develop their own resources and attract their own citizens.

So, what do you think?

Be sure to check out my other blog, currently discussing the auto industry and buying cars.

1 comment:

AnneMarie said...

so many ideas here worth looking into further.
for one, take the jail time for not abiding. This should be a penal farm where they must work the farm for the food they eat. Any extra food should be to help provide income for the jail..
there are many more ideas.. great conversation!!!