It has been one year since Obama and his powerful democratic congress was elected. Let’s see where they have taken us and what the citizens think of it.
The famous pollster Scott Rasmussen is predicting that Obama better hope things improve over the next calendar year or the Democrats are in trouble for the midterm election. I agree with him. It is not difficult to predict. Following are the TOP-10 reasons, as I see them (in no particular order).
First off, it is normal for the minority party to gain seats in the midterm elections. There are only four exceptions: Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Clinton and GW Bush.
Second, the Dems benefited from Mr. Obama’s popularity in 2008 but since he does not run in midterms the tag-along voters won’t be voting. The History News Network explains it well.
Third, according to popular
Fourth, Obama’s popularity was not all that substantial to begin with. To the surprise of many, he only received 52.9 % of the popular vote. That is unimpressive considering the overwhelming media bias, the grossly lopsided fund raising (nearly two to one), the questionable tactics of Acorn and the relatively weak opponents: McCain and Palin.
Fifth, according to another Rasmussen poll, nearly 70% of the population is for drilling for oil and refining more of it to escape the clutches of foreign nations. Even in the wacky East Coast land of greenies, there are more people for off-shore drilling than oppose it. But the Dems have done precious little about it during the four years they have had control of the Congress. If the price of a gallon of gas should return to $4 per gallon, heads are going to roll on election day. Naturally, the democratic politicians will blame “Greedy Oil Companies” but more and more people are coming to realize that the Feds themselves steal over twice as much money from us (18.4 cents per gallon), when we buy a gallon of gas, than the oil companies do (approximately 8 cents). Chart of your own state’s gasoline tax.
Sixth, the bulk of people are opposed to bail outs. But we have watched the auto industry, AIG Insurance, the banks and Wall Street Big Shots pocket billions of our dollars.
Seventh, 10% unemployment rate. Bush may have some blame here but Obama’s policies have clearly made things worse. More jobs have been lost in the first 8 months of Obama’s administration than all of 2007 and 2008 combined. Absent some miraculous turn-around, this will be the worst year for job losses since 1945. Practically everybody can finish this paragraph with a personal story of somebody who they know that is out of work but had a job under Bush.
Eighth, The unions have lost power because they have abused the country and their own members. The Auto Workers Union and the Teachers Unions have been huge pluses for the Dems over the past few decades, but there is change in the wind. I know of teachers who don’t even belong to the union any longer. They despise the protection of their mediocre counterparts and the schools are not turning out a very impressive product. Truly motivated teachers are seeking alternatives to the union–driven Public School System. As far as the Auto Workers are concerned, it was they who had egg on their collective faces when the auto bail-out discussions were in full swing. Americans were shocked to find out how much cushy union contracts have added to the price of our cars. Now we are all losers and we don’t like it. Real ”change” is in order.
Ninth, Most Americans love their country, or at least like it, and so do the common folks whom I have met from other countries. But some governments and radicals, both here and abroad, take pleasure in bashing our way of life. Obama misread the importance of standing up for his citizens and he has traveled the globe trying to find favor by demeaning us. He assumed that other countries would appreciate his humility and align with us on various national issues, but instead they have perceived us as weak. Even David Frum sees the signs. Many Americans think any perceived weakness is an invitation to disaster via terrorists and they will show up on election-day to address their fear.
Tenth, over a dozen “czars” and other officials have been granted unprecedented power without accountability. Government power-grabs are the product of Marxists not a Democratic-Republic. Our country was founded on the important idea that the government derives its power from the people, not the other way around. This power-taking will not be tolerated, beyond election-day 2010.
These are the forces that are already in place and causing Tea Parties and other unrest. At the moment we are in the heat of a discussion regarding health insurance. The President and his supporters seem to forget, or at least ignore, the fact that we went down this road with the
We don’t have much of that.
Comments welcomed!
I would also add that a large majority of Catholics who voted for Obama are turning on him. They voted him into office believing that the social programs he was planning to enact would reduce the need for mothers to turn to abortion to solve their problems. This has not happened, and in fact, the health care bills he wants to push through are so ambiguous over whether or not abortion will be federally funded that no one can really tell. The lack of conscience clauses for doctors and nurses who want to opt out of administering abortions is disturbing, and even those who support abortion should cringe at the lack of CHOICE given to hospital workers in this grave matter. I think Obama is losing favor big time among all of the small groups who combined voted him into office.
Interesting point Sharon. Catholics seemed to move in line with society as a whole, that is 5% more of them voted for the democratic candidate than in the 2004 election. http://www.chron.com/news/specials/enron/ but I could not find the number of Catholic voters. Therefore we are talking about a 5% swing for that group, but 55 of what?
I don't find that argument persuasive. Catholics make up 25% of the country, and not all of them are radical pro-lifers who vote only on that issue. Furthermore, the crown jewel of Catholicism in the U.S., the University of Notre Dame, not only invited a late-term-abortion supporter to speak at commencement, but gave him an honorary degree! I realize there were protests, but they paled in comparison to the legion of students that attended.
Obama won largely due to the black vote, females, and anti-war (Bush) sentiment (count me in this last one). I don't know how the black vote will turn out, but women are realizing they aren't getting the "savior" they were promised, and I don't see any troop withdrawals. In fact Fort Carson is holding a troop deployment ceremony this weekend. I thought we were getting out of Iraq?
I'm not arguing that Obama got elected only by the Catholic vote, because that's clearly not true. I'm just using one voting block I know something about because I don't really follow a lot of voting statistics. However, according to this website http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/05/16/obama.notre.dame/index.html, Obama won the Catholic vote by 9 points. That's not a whole lot. If he continues to push an issue that is divisive among this group, he'll lose the ground he gained. I imagine that a lot of the other measures Uncle Dave talked about (the war, the economy) will also push people who only slightly favored Obama from voting for him again. He's alienating many groups, Catholics just being one, who supported him the last time around.
True . . . even alienating the radical lefties. They definitely wanted out of Iraq (for once I agree), and he hasn't made significant moves that direction. I even remember him giving some sort of nebulous time-table in the debates, but haven't heard anything since.
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