HAPPY times for Fido and Mittens
In these toxic political times, Representative Thaddeus McCotter, Republican from Michigan, has introduced the HAPPY Act. Humanity and Pets Partnered Throughout the Years is an idea that we ought to all be able to embrace. As part of the bill Congress has recognized that 63% of us have pets.
The congressman’s objective is to encourage people to take better care of their pets. The plan is to offer up to $3,500 per household in new tax deductions for the costs to spay or neuter pets as well as providing the medical treatment that the hairy little friends need. To see an interview with the congressman by PopModal go here.
During tough economic times and whenever there is a major catastrophe, such as Hurricane Katrina, struggling families can be forced to cut back on the veterinarian care their pets need. Furthermore, the pet shelters find themselves stuffed with lonely 4-legged critters. At the present moment Petfinders alone has 321,000 abandoned dogs and cats. One can only imagine how many thousands of them are put to sleep each year.
There are all sorts of Animal rights groups in support of this idea, including The American Pet Products Association. To see a copy of the bill go to Paw Print Post.
In these toxic political times, Representative Thaddeus McCotter, Republican from Michigan, has introduced the HAPPY Act. Humanity and Pets Partnered Throughout the Years is an idea that we ought to all be able to embrace. As part of the bill Congress has recognized that 63% of us have pets.
The congressman’s objective is to encourage people to take better care of their pets. The plan is to offer up to $3,500 per household in new tax deductions for the costs to spay or neuter pets as well as providing the medical treatment that the hairy little friends need. To see an interview with the congressman by PopModal go here.
During tough economic times and whenever there is a major catastrophe, such as Hurricane Katrina, struggling families can be forced to cut back on the veterinarian care their pets need. Furthermore, the pet shelters find themselves stuffed with lonely 4-legged critters. At the present moment Petfinders alone has 321,000 abandoned dogs and cats. One can only imagine how many thousands of them are put to sleep each year.
There are all sorts of Animal rights groups in support of this idea, including The American Pet Products Association. To see a copy of the bill go to Paw Print Post.
Now if Congress could only inject the same wisdom in the Medical Delivery system for the rest of us.
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As long as it's only a TAX deduction, and doesn't cost actual tax dollars to operate. READ MY LIPS: NO NEW OVERHEAD OR PROGRAMS IN THIS ECONOMIC CLIMATE. And while we're at it, drop health care reform, pull 100% out of Iraq and Afghanistan, close down 50% of our military bases around the world, repeal the income tax, lower the capital gains rate to 5%, close the department of education and homeland security, and wean the populus off of social security starting with 18 year olds. That should fix everything.
Well Matt, it sounds like you have a lot on your mind these days. As far as a tax deduction is concerned, there should not be a need for more government. We don't have deduction inspectors for business lunches or interest write offs. We simply provide receipts to our accountant.
I see no need for a Puppy Czar
Even as a devoted pet owner, I can honestly say, this is ONE of the dumbest ideas I have heard a politician propose in a while. What a sad state our society is in when we offer a 'tax break' for someone following through with a responsibility that they chose to take on in the first place. Rather than a tax break for the responsible, they should levee heavy punishment on the careless and irresponsible pet owners. The extended absurdity of laws like this is what led to 'welfare babies'. We already pay for enough of them, we don't need to start paying for 'welfare puppies'.
Also, I agree we don't need a Puppy Czar. In a democratic republic we shouldn't have any 'Czars' employed by the federal government (a government of the people). Throughout history czars have been dictators! The term 'czar' comes from Julius CaeSar, a military leader that essentially eliminated the elected Roman senate and crowned himself emperor. The Russian Czars also have a pretty bad track record. Do we really want Czars as the top advisors to our president? I think the outcome is already evident.
One could also make the case that anybody who is neglecting their pets now won't do any better just because they might get some tax breaks. Still anytime we can get the money out of the hands of corrupt politicians we are moving in the right direction.
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