Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The travel part of travel is the least fun part of travel up until the travel itself returns us home... Once there, we are torn between the comfort of our favorite pillow and knowing where everythng is against the angst of returning to an inescapabl...e parade of responsibilities. The paradox lives on until the travel-bug bites again.

1 comment:

genise said...

I love traveling and agree that we take for granted what is in our own back yard, flying off to far away destinations(which are great), but not really seeing what we have right here. When I was in high school my best friend worked at Echo Lake Lodge up on Mt. Evans and three of us spent part of a weekend there. I want so bad to go back up and see if it still is the same as 1970 or what--and it is a scenic byway!!!!! We are always in a hurry to get from A to B and could spend a week easily between the two points seeing what is in our beautiful mountains!! It's on my list!!!!!!!!!!!!!