Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Terminating Relationships

Terminating Relationships

In the course of a life-time we all have many relationships, some of them with people and some of them in other forms. Perhaps you went to the same school for a long time, or you have held the same job, or your family owned an old pick-up truck, or you had a favorite dog or something like that.

Nearly all of these relationships come to an end in one way or the other. Perhaps your parents divorced, or a best friend got married and that changed everything for you, or your mother passed away, or you grew tired of a bowling league, or a boyfriend dumped you, or somebody stole your bicycle or your children left for college, or you were discharged from the military.

When relationships are terminated we are left with memories and perhaps a few scars.

In my recent posts I have identified several memorable experiences that we had as a result of owning a second home in the San Diego area for twelve years. Such a relationship brings us both joy and tears. If you would like to review our memories, scroll down to the one entitled Leaving California and work your way to the most recent post.

All of this brings up some interesting questions about relationships, either with people or in other forms.

What relationships have you had that left lasting impressions upon you?

Were those relationships terminated? How?

How did you feel?

What did you learn?

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